Now, I'm the type of gal who has to go over specials in the newspapers. I get ads from Bi-Lo's, Piggly Wiggly, Food's Lion's and Publix every Wednesday in my mail. Pretty cool, huh? I didn't have that back in Durango, Colorado. That town needs to set that up with 2 City Markets, Albertson's, couple of natural stores.(Yes, Durangotangs are BIG on all natural food! But that's for another blog.) What's ironic is that Durango is bigger than this town I'm living in and it has fewer stores than this town. Wait! I take that back! I forgot all about those all Natural food stores. We're even. This town doesn't have any. Look at me, I'm going off the subject! Anyways, the reason why I do that is because I KNOW they have such low prices on items where they cycle EVERY 6 to 8 weeks. Yeah, you heard me right. Trust me, they do that so they can and WANT get the food off the shelves as quickly as they can before the next shipment comes in and before food expires. That's when I stock up. Yes, I know I'm single but I LIKE to stock up. I like to have things on hand instead of going to the store every time I don't have anything. My cupboards are full. My freezer's almost full. I buy meat when the prices are actually reduced during that week. I would figure out the amount I would need for the month. I would take the meat home and and put one or two (for when I have family members or friends come over) in freezer zip-loc bags. I'll give you an example. This week, Piggly Wiggly has hamburger on sale for 1.98 per lb. (that's the lowest I've seen in a long time since I've moved here. Even at at Wal-Mart, it's expensive.) At Bi-Lo's, it's on sale for 3.99 a lb. Which store do you think I'm going to choose? I thought so too. However, I didn't mention that Bi-lo's had hamburger on sale last week too but I didn't go shopping. It wasn't time for me to and plus all the stores didn't have much of anything I normally purchase on sale. I'll explain later. Another example, 8oz of sour cream on sale at Piggly Wiggly for .88. Bi-Lo has 16 oz sour cream(same brand as Piggly Wiggly) Buy one, get one free. Regular price for one is $2.19. Which one do you think I'm going to purchase? Yup, Piggly Wiggly's. Add two 8 oz for .88 and you actually would pay $1.76 for 16 oz instead of $2.19! That's .43 difference! Anyways, you get the idea.
Luna thinks she's helping out.
Now, I only go grocery shopping every 2 weeks or even longer. I hate going to the store all the time like I did in the past. I hate shopping. I have a hard time getting good sales because I normally buy a lot fresh produces, meat, dairy products. I don't buy a lot of can goods or boxes goods including cereals. The only cereal I will eat are cream of wheat and old fashioned oatmeal. I love to cook and bake therefore all meals have to be made from scratch. Cheaper that way too and much healthier! I, now normally spend the average between 30 to 40 dollars a month. I already have my cupboard stocked along with my freezer. I only go when I need such as milk(I LOVE drinking iced milk. Best thing in the world next to homemade lemonade and water) cheese, real butter,and fresh veggies and meat on sale. I always buy veggies that are in season because they are cheaper and plus it's great to change up your meals, right? Same goes for fruit.
Another thing I forgot to mention, The stores don't always mention what else is on sale. The last time I went grocery shopping, I came across the yogurt section. I absolutely LOVE yogurt and greek yogurt. Dannon Lime yogurt was reduced to .25. Plus, Oikos blueberry greek yogurt was also reduced to .25. I looked at the expiration date and it wasn't going to expire anytime soon. Apparently, they were overstocked and the store needed to rid of them quick while fresh. Makes sense to me. I'd be more than happy to help the store out! I got 6 of each to last me until my next grocery shopping. It was almost like hitting a jackpot that night. That was my high. I like to take my time when the stores aren't crowded and go down the aisle to make sure I don't miss those drastic reduced priced items. Remember, I only buy those I KNOW I'm going to use.
Now, when I look at recipes,(I adore checking out and trying out new recipes! I just LOVE trying out new recipes every chance I get.) I will try my best to pick out the recipes with what I have on hand and what I know I can substitute for another instead of going to the store right away. If I absolutely want to try out the recipe but I don't have some items the recipe calls for, I will stick the recipe to the pile for future cooking and put down the items I would need for my next shopping list. I will get the items only when it's on sale.
When I try out new recipe and I happen to approve of it, I will post it with the link where I found it. I will also post some pictures of my cooking along with it. You'll know the recipe had my approval and would LOVE to share with you guys.
Now, I'm done with my list. Time for me to go shopping.
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